Private Sessions

Forest Therapy Victoria offers private sessions to individuals, couples, families, corporate organisations and community groups.


Forest Therapy Victoria is the first organisation in Australia to offer individual sessions provided by professional counsellors aligned with the Australian Counselling Association, who are also trained in Forest Therapy by the International Nature and Forest Therapy Alliance.

Forest Therapy as an intervention is a relatively new field in counselling. Initial research suggests it is effective in the treatment of anxiety, stress related issues, high blood pressure, and can aid in sleep issues. Anecdotal evidence from our experience suggests that it is also beneficial in the treatment of grief, trauma and high sensitivity, in people of all ages.

Individual sessions are made by appointment only and last for one to two hours and commence at our Croydon Hills rooms. Longer sessions by arrangement.


Couples looking for a relationship enrichment experience can book a two or three hour session from Croydon Hills. Other locations can be organised by arrangement.

A couples Forest Therapy session forms part of a longer process involving communication skills, conflict resolution, intimacy and affection, financial management, and core values. Forest Therapy can help a couple learn to destress together and experience the enjoyment of being relaxed in nature together.

A couples Forest Therapy session can also be used as an enrichment activity, a special date, or even a unique Valentine’s Day experience.

Families and Friends

Families and groups of friends that are looking to experience something new can book their own unique Forest Therapy experience.

Working in conjunction with one of the Forest Therapy Victoria guides, you can shape the duration and content of your walk to suit your specific needs, or you can let us do everything for you!

Corporate and Community Groups

Groups looking to book a a team day or professional development experience should use the contact form to get in touch. Forest Therapy Victoria will shape a program specifically for your situation.

To book a private session, use the contact page or email Matt on

All text and images copyright Forest Therapy Victoria 2021. Forest Therapy Victoria is a division of MGA Counselling Services.
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